Pip vs PiP - the greatest spoken word gig this millennium.

7:00pm - 2:00am
When: On Saturday, 22nd September, 2007 from 7:00pm - 2:00am
Where: The Macbeth, 70 Hoxton st, London N1 6LP
Promoter: LG presents
Scroobius Pip
...let me say it was my honour to have you there. If you missed it, save your excuses. It was one of the most magical moments in my life and I didn't even perform!!! I realise I have to explain further. 

Danny (other half of Lazy G) and I knew it was going to be a special night. Ever since Joshua Idehen (part of PIP) talked to me about a battle of Pip Vs PIP and asking Lazy G to do it, conversations now and then between me and Danny thought this could be a great night, how wrong, it was unbelievable!

We started off by me with my glitter ball head asking the crowd 'could they feel it?' to which they reply 'I can feel it!' After a few too and fro of that The Jackson's 'I can feel it' came on just to gee everyone up. Little to my realisation 200 people filtered into the room, the most Lazy has ever had, and the place was packed! Anyway part one on the night had the performance group NeveroddoreveN kick off with a colourful five minute set with umbrellas and water pistols, it seemed to put a smile on everyone's face. Next came the poets, we had PoetiCat, A F Harold and Mat Lloyd (now making it his trademark to stand on the bar and perform), all were at their best and after the break it made sure the other poets kept the bar raised. We had Gypsy Girl, Ventriloquist and Kate Tempest blow things out the water. During all of this not one word was ushered when each poet was on, for 200 people in a place deemed a pub, this was unheard of. So it now came to the finally and after the initial intro with the Rocky theme tune of flying high the battle commenced. There was blends of no music and music pieces each group chopping and changing with performers and musicians, it was incredible, the crowd roared like lions at the end of each piece, and when the end came I asked the audience firstly if they thought S-Pip the winner....the roof was blown off by the noise, quite. I asked if they thought PIP the winner....the same amount of sound again. It was a draw and deserved so!

Those who were there and those who performed can honestly say there has never been a night like it, and I hope it is not the case there never will be, everyone was focussed but charged with a purpose. We dreamed of a night like this and it went to a T. I am proud to have co-organised this and I hope we can bring more superb vibes to such splendid nights in the future. We made £1045 for Cancer Research  during the night. Winner.

Further reading...
Scroobius Pip
- A poeminbetweenpeople - AFHarold - Ventriloquist
Mat Lloyd
- NeveroddoreveN - PoetiCat - Gypsy Girl - Kate Tempest
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