Sompop by Will Conway

Written by Lazy Gramophone Press on Sunday the 24th of January 2010
Once upon a time there was a young boy named Sompop. He liked to play in the woods near his home and would always run to his mother with tales of the interesting new creatures he 'd seen. The first time he saw a stoat his mother heard the story a hundred times.
    One day, he was climbing up a thick tree searching for birds' nests, when a big crow startled him and he fell to the floor and bumped his head.

He awoke with a headache and sat on a stump for a while. He rooted through his knapsack to find the bone he had found earlier on, so that he could scratch some more mud out of it. He wanted it clean so he could keep it.
    In amongst the pebbles he had collected earlier, he found a squareish one he didn't remember picking up. It had a shiny smooth part and a red bit on the top that felt funny like rubbery
    Looking at it now, he realised it looked more like a little box, but he couldn't find where it opened. He was rubbing the odd top part with his thumb when all of a sudden it sprung to life with a little rumble.

He dropped it in the mud. When he picked it up, what he saw terrified him. His parents had been shrunk and were trapped inside the magic box. They were still smiling as if they were caught unawares. There were strange runes above their heads and the word 'ORANG' was floating in front of them. He also noticed that under the window there were some numbers on bits that he could run his fingernails on.
    He tried to reach in and touch them. He shouted to them but they didn't flinch. Who would do such a thing? Sompop felt scared and alone. He knew that his only chance of helping his parents was to find his uncle Rip; he always knew what to do. He thought of the time he had thought his kite was stuck in the tree forever and Rip had helped him get it down. He tried not to think of what would happen if he couldn't help this time. He carefully wrapped up his parents' prison in his hat and put it back in his knapsack.
Tags for this post: will, conway, sompop, book, apertures.

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Title: William Conway reading
By: LazyGramophone
Lazy Says: Will Conway
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