The humming bird
Above the flower
And licked out it’s nectar
The flame on the candle
Had a dance
Until death among the darkness
It comes out the pen
Just wanting to have freedom
To write anything
Little ladybird
Filling the gas tank with me
Please just fly away
Blacken on the fence
Waiting for some milk to drink
Should I give him some?
Looking for myself
In the empty void of mind
Help me someone please
The river floats by
The swans sleep while the bats
We watch patiently
I read ‘Dharma Bums’
In the comfort of my home
And feel slightly sad
Read an article
Of Beat generations death
To wonder what’s next
Big Brother around
Evading my complete sight
Where are we all going?
Sitting here sweating
Thinking of what may soon be
A day in the life
Cultures in one verse
Trying to communicate
Some finding it hard
Sitting here wanting
To type but don’t give a shite
Till thinking takes hold
The little spider
Waited for tea to arrive
On its self shat web
The bottle rolling
Slowly on the red brick floor
Feeling so lonely
My shadow walking
Along the pavements pale light
Waiting to see dark
Footsteps walking down,
In the long corridor,
While I’m taking a shit
Chilling out,
Eating a baguette,
In pure happiness
The baby staring,
Telling me the answer,
In the true language
Going crazy in my mind,
Trying to find,
A kind of peacefulness
A Finnish girl,
Telling me I’m beautiful,
I blush as Narcissus
Looking through the rubbish
Trying not to spill anything
People writing down,
Messages on my big door,
Thinking where is Phil?
Sitting taking a shit,
While a silverfish,
Slides by my little toe
Sitting on the sand,
As the waves soothe my sore
From all the bad sounds
X kissing me,
Sticking her tongue in my cheeks
Ah! She’s so lovely!
Watching the blue sky,
High above my subtle head,
Sunshine on my face
Wind through my fingers,
Dragonfly’s flying high above,
Fish below my feet
Seeing a temple,
And having a full massage,
All with X
Sitting by the pond,
Watching the fish eat their
Within my soft eyes
Kissing X,
Thinking about the friendship,
Smiling about life
Dawn sits in my room,
Reading Taoist thoughts of
And laugh about it